“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” | |
Today was a complicated day it seem like everyone was out to make me mad. Usually it takes a lot to get me upset but I guess I was already upset with someone so the seed was already there. What I learned today is that anger breed anger. When your angry you just attract more things to be angry about. It seems like everyone just wants to get on your nerves. Or so it seems, I realize your perception changes and you put on your angry colored glasses so all you see is anger. Below are some helpful tips to release anger after an argument: 1. Relax- Take several deep slow breaths. 2. Question Yourself- Ask your self what are you really mad about. Sometimes you will be able to see right away how trivial it is 3. Write- Go to the root of the problem by writing a letter to the person who made you upset. Tell them everything on your mind and leave no rocks unturned, get it all out but don't give it to them either delete it or throw it away 4. Look With in- Mediate just quiet your mind and subdue your thoughts 5. Pray- Ask God to help you release the anger you have for this person and allow you to forgive them. Lastly, try talking to the person after you cool down in a non combative way. Tell them how they made you feel and allow them to express their feelings. It could have been a big misunderstanding. Once, the conversation is over forgive and move on. When you are angry you are only hurting yourself. You have the power to release this anger anytime you desire. Look with and find that power once you do forgive and forget. It will make you instantly happy once you feel the release of anger. Always remember you are in control of your feelings |
Monday, December 26, 2011
Release Anger: How to forgive your love ones after an argument
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Embrace the New You- Let Go of the Past and the old You
“One problem with gazing too frequently into the past is that we may turn around to find the future has run out on us.” | |
This has been an amazing year. I have grown so much and have been applying all the lessons I have learned from the mistakes or difficulties I have encountered. I realized that it's true when they say,"what don't kill you only make you stronger". Because there is a lesson in everything. I absolutely love who I have become. It seems like I have been searching for this person for a long time and she have finally emerged. She is strong and ambitious and don't let the simple things get to her anymore. However, there are times when the past pull at me and wants my attention. It seems like it wants me to reminisce and have regrets. Sometimes I indulge but I know that if I keep focusing on the past I'm letting my present slip by. This year I have lost friends and opportunities but I realize they are now in they past and are not for me. They were for the old me and I need to let go and move on. In time my new self will be presented with new friends and opportunities that are more suited for me. It's seem like my soul understand because I'm not sad. I know now that you have to love you self first and everything else will fall into place. You have to fight hard and never stop trying to be the person you only dreamt you can be. While on this journey you will lose relationships, love ones, jobs and opportunities but please remember it's for your greater good. You may not see it now but one day you will realized that you have out-grown those peoples or situations and you are now opening yourself to embrace all the new good that is coming into you life. Life is good and life is fair even if you're going thru changes remember that with change comes growth. With growth comes wisdom and with wisdom comes happiness. |
Friday, July 8, 2011
Create the Life of your Dreams by HAVING FAITH
Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.
– Saint Augustine
Today I wanted to talk about Faith. To achieve anything in life you must have faith or believe that it would happen. Faith comes in to play most when the going get tough and you want to give up. This is when you should hold strong to your faith and never give up. You can be closer than you know it. As St. Augustine stated the reward for faith is to get what you believe in. Is there is no greater reward?
In my opinion pray is important because when you pray you are acknowledging that there is a higher power than have provide you with what you are seeking. With pray you should also continue to take action this will reinforce that you believe that what you ask for can indeed happen.
On a final note I would like to say no matter what happens never give up. What you believe you will achieve.
– Saint Augustine
Today I wanted to talk about Faith. To achieve anything in life you must have faith or believe that it would happen. Faith comes in to play most when the going get tough and you want to give up. This is when you should hold strong to your faith and never give up. You can be closer than you know it. As St. Augustine stated the reward for faith is to get what you believe in. Is there is no greater reward?
In my opinion pray is important because when you pray you are acknowledging that there is a higher power than have provide you with what you are seeking. With pray you should also continue to take action this will reinforce that you believe that what you ask for can indeed happen.
On a final note I would like to say no matter what happens never give up. What you believe you will achieve.
ask and receive,
love yourself,
positive thinking,
transform your life,
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
Clean UP!!!!!!!!
Transform Your Life
From time to time it is good to clean up various areas of your life. This can be done several ways. The steps below allow you to free up energy which into can transform you life in a positive way
1. Clean Up Your Home - Do a thorough cleaning of your home. Throw away and donate things you no longer use, organize you closet, clean out the cobwebs etc.
Your home projects its own energy so a happy home can help you be a happier person.
2. Clean Out Your System- You can do a herbal cleanse or colon cleanse. This way you can rejuvenate your body.
3. Clean Out Your Mind - Take time out to mediate and quite your mind.
4. Clean Out Your Life - Get rid of negative people, let go of negative situation and move on.
5. Pray - Rejuvenate your soul by reinforcing your faith.
These simple steps can help you regain lost energy. By performing these steps you will surely see the difference in your life.
From time to time it is good to clean up various areas of your life. This can be done several ways. The steps below allow you to free up energy which into can transform you life in a positive way
1. Clean Up Your Home - Do a thorough cleaning of your home. Throw away and donate things you no longer use, organize you closet, clean out the cobwebs etc.
Your home projects its own energy so a happy home can help you be a happier person.
2. Clean Out Your System- You can do a herbal cleanse or colon cleanse. This way you can rejuvenate your body.
3. Clean Out Your Mind - Take time out to mediate and quite your mind.
4. Clean Out Your Life - Get rid of negative people, let go of negative situation and move on.
5. Pray - Rejuvenate your soul by reinforcing your faith.
These simple steps can help you regain lost energy. By performing these steps you will surely see the difference in your life.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Take Action Every Day To Accomplish Your Goals
“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit.” -Conrad Hilton
You can sit and think and think about your dreams all you want but until you take some form of action your dreams will never turn into reality. Imagine if you took just one step toward your dream daily. That is 365 steps per year that's alot and imagine how close you would be to your dreams. In the course of the year you may even obtain it and be on your way to aiming higher and dreaming bigger.
It's good to remember that todays preparation is tomorrow's success. Below are simple steps you can take
1. BE CLEAR: This may sound simple but not many people don't know what they want. Figure out what will enhance your happiness. Maybe it's starting your own business, going back to school, or traveling around the world
2. PLAN AHEAD: Divide your dream into achievable short term and long terms goals. That way you have a map of where you're heading and where you need to be by a certain date. Remember this is your dream so once you achieve a goal look over your list and feel free to adjust your goals as you go along.
3. JUST DO IT: obtain the no excuses habit.
4. BE QUIET: Don't tell everyone just yet what your dreams are. It is better you show them to tell them. When you talk about your dreams and you have yet acquired the confidence that your dream is obtainable. It' s easy to become discourage. Others may comment or say negative things that may make you feel like it's impossible or you're wasting your time.
5. ENJOY IT: When you enjoy what you're doing it's easier to stick to it because you wouldn't mind doing it everyday. Not everything you have to do to obtain your dreams will be fun but you can surely make it that way. Try making a game out of it and see the wonders that creates
You can sit and think and think about your dreams all you want but until you take some form of action your dreams will never turn into reality. Imagine if you took just one step toward your dream daily. That is 365 steps per year that's alot and imagine how close you would be to your dreams. In the course of the year you may even obtain it and be on your way to aiming higher and dreaming bigger.
It's good to remember that todays preparation is tomorrow's success. Below are simple steps you can take
1. BE CLEAR: This may sound simple but not many people don't know what they want. Figure out what will enhance your happiness. Maybe it's starting your own business, going back to school, or traveling around the world
2. PLAN AHEAD: Divide your dream into achievable short term and long terms goals. That way you have a map of where you're heading and where you need to be by a certain date. Remember this is your dream so once you achieve a goal look over your list and feel free to adjust your goals as you go along.
3. JUST DO IT: obtain the no excuses habit.
4. BE QUIET: Don't tell everyone just yet what your dreams are. It is better you show them to tell them. When you talk about your dreams and you have yet acquired the confidence that your dream is obtainable. It' s easy to become discourage. Others may comment or say negative things that may make you feel like it's impossible or you're wasting your time.
5. ENJOY IT: When you enjoy what you're doing it's easier to stick to it because you wouldn't mind doing it everyday. Not everything you have to do to obtain your dreams will be fun but you can surely make it that way. Try making a game out of it and see the wonders that creates
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Change Your Perception Change Your Life
Today's Lesson is Life is What You Make It
Your life is a reflection of what you give out. If you consistently complain about life then life will give you more and more things to complain about. However, when you appreciate even the little that you have life with give you more things to appreciate and enjoy.
It is up to you to you to adjust your perception and view life the way you will like it to be. This is a great lesson I have learned. When things are not going well I just look for the lesson I'm meant to learn because in the end it will only make me stronger and wiser. No need to complain just accept. I now change the things I can change and accept the things I cannot.
This was hard for me at first but in doing so a beautiful life have appeared in front of my eyes and I laughed because it's been there all this time. Now it's your time to change your focus so you can see the wonderful life you already have and the beautiful future that is awaiting you.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Be Determined to Accomplish Your Goals
“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.”
Og Mandino
I decided to put up this post because for the last couple of days it seem to me like failure persistently followed me. It appeared like failure was an entity that tried every and anything to make me give up. However, I refused to give up and in the end I was so determined I accomplished what I set out for.
So why is determination important?
In your life you will set goals for your self and things may not always work out the way you planned. It may even lead you to be so disappointed that you want to give up. When you feel like you want to give up those are the times you need to work harder. Because in the end failure and persistence cannot sleep in the same bed. Meaning if you keep trying you will eventual succeed.
I decided to put up this post because for the last couple of days it seem to me like failure persistently followed me. It appeared like failure was an entity that tried every and anything to make me give up. However, I refused to give up and in the end I was so determined I accomplished what I set out for.
So why is determination important?
In your life you will set goals for your self and things may not always work out the way you planned. It may even lead you to be so disappointed that you want to give up. When you feel like you want to give up those are the times you need to work harder. Because in the end failure and persistence cannot sleep in the same bed. Meaning if you keep trying you will eventual succeed.
Keep Going............Your Dreams Will Come True
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Change: The New You
When you adapt to the changes in your life you allow yourself to grow. With this growth you allow new people, situations and opportunities to enter your life. Change may appear bad at first but when you look back you always realized it was meant to happen. How do you adapt to change? by letting go and accepting what is. You may have lost a relationship, job or best friend but realize when a door close a window opens. We spend so much time focus on the door we don't even realize the window that is open.
I use to have a hard time with changes but now I realize it's all part of a bigger picture. The season changes and so must we. When you go with the flow you will see that the universe does have your best interest at heart and everything eventual works itself out.
So Relax!
I use to have a hard time with changes but now I realize it's all part of a bigger picture. The season changes and so must we. When you go with the flow you will see that the universe does have your best interest at heart and everything eventual works itself out.
So Relax!
Friday, May 27, 2011
The Greatest Love of All: How to Love Yourself
There are many reasons why you may not love yourself but below is a list I have used to help me learn to love myself completely. Loving yourself in itself can be a journey. But remember you are all you have. Our true essence is love because we came from love.....GOD
1. Accept yourself completely.
Make a list of all the things you love about yourself and focus on them for a moment (maybe your a great cook, a great friend, or have beautiful eyes). Don't it feel good? Sometimes we are so focus on the negative we forget how great of a person we are. We all have flaws that's what make up unique and special.
2. Say I Love You...To Yourself
Every morning look in the mirror and tell yourself I love you. Sometimes I even say why or congrat myself on a job well done the day before. It may be hard at first but keep doing it.
3.Spend Time With Yourself
When you love someone you want to spend time with them right? So, spend time with yourself by doing things that makes you happy. You can go to the museum, catch a movie, go to the spa, or take a walk.
4. Start a Journal
This is the one thing above all that helps me the most. Because I get in touch with my thoughts. I get to express my true feeling. Even things that I don't feel comfortable sharing with others. A journal is your release system. With your journal you can say any and everything you like without worrying about being judged. Remember this journal is yours so make it yours. You can personalize your journal bt writing poetry or even drawing.
5. Let Go of the Past
Many times people or situations in our past have led us to think less of ourselves. You must release that pain that have imprisoned you. You must come to terms and accept the past and realize the past have no power over you.
6. Be Your Own Best Friend
Make sure you are always there for yourself. You must put yourself first. This is not selfish it's called self love. I love to help others but I learned if I don't help myself how can I help someone else? Congrat yourself when something great happen in your life. You must always want the best for yourself and take steps to acquire it while being your biggest cheerleader.
7. Date Your Self
If your looking for a relationship you have to remember you attract what you are. So you don't want to send out the vibration of desperation and loneliness. The Secret says you must act as if you already have it. So if you want a happy relationship then start by writing yourself love letters. You can buy yourself flowers. You can even take yourself out on the best date ever. Why wait for that one special person? Don't let pass you by.....you love yourself so act like it. They always say when you stop looking for love....love finds you. Good Luck!
8. Accept others and Give Love to others
If you want others to accept you then you must accept other for who they are. Don't try to change anyone. Just see the good in them and only focus on that. In time you will see the things you disliked about them either vanished or don't bother you anymore. Remember what you focus on you get more of. So focus on good and you get more good to focus on.
Accepting others is similar to loving them because you allow them to be themselves. You can also, call an old friend and tell you miss them, call your parents to them you love them, or even give a compliment to a stranger.
9. Forgive yourself
We all made mistakes now it's time for forgiving yourself. It's okay you did the best you could have done base on the circumstances at that time. Please note, everything make you a better and stronger person. Also, everything happens for a reason Lastly, everything is as it should be. You are now in a place where you can take control of your life.
10. Take Control
Now it's time to take responsibility for your life and set goals at achieving the dream life you deserve. You deserve the best and when you love yourself completely you would realize this.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
You Deserve Not Thing But The Best!!!!!
The Universe knows you deserve the best....but do you????
You are the reason the sun rose today. Yes, the world revolves around you. If anyone differ don't listen. You must know your worth. What did I learn today? stop listening to others they may mean well but what is best for them is not best for you. We all live in our own world (due to our perception) and you are the captain of your own ship. Therefore, you and only you knows what's best for you.
You must learn to be your own consultant. There is always a voice deep within your heart that is always ready to assist when you call upon it. It's call your higher self.
What are your deepest desires?
What is keeping you back? Make a list.....Now cross them all off because they are all excuses or better yet the limitation you (your mind) have set up to keep you from achieving your dreams. Remember if you can believe then you can achieve. There are countless rags to riches stories. So what make them different from you? Are you less deserving? Of course not but you must know that you are so deserving of your dreams that you will not let any obstacle stand in your way.
Now Visualize your Dream.....
How do it feel?
What are you doing?
Doesn't it feel good?
Now wouldn't you want to experience this in your life? Then make it happen. How you ask...take one step at time. But you must realize that the only person standing in front of you and your dreams is YOU. Hard pill to swallow because we are all use to blaming others, situation, and time?? Well no more look in the mirror and tell yourself you deserve the best. (say it loud and say it proud) How do it feel? Do you feel some resistances? That's normal that's because deep down you don't believe it. You must work on removing those resistances. How???
First Step You Should Take is LOVE : (THAT IS THE SECRET)
1. Love yourself completely
When you love yourself completely you will want nothing but the best for yourself because you would realize you deserve nothing less.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
My Journey To Fulfulling My Dreams.......So Why Blog?
“Too often we are so preoccupied with the destination, we forget the journey.” `Unknown
I feel like have or will read any book on the manifestation of your dreams. Now it's time to put all the lessons and skills I have learned to the test. After you reading and reading and reading you start to see that they are all in some way or the other saying the same thing. I will discuss what I have learned in my blog as I come across the need to along my journey.
I choose to blog because I want to document my journey so when I do get where I will like to be. I can look back at the journey that made me into the person I became. I believe "The Journey of a million steps begin with one step". If you never give up no matter what challenges you face you will eventually get to your destination or may even change paths to a road that you feel is more joyful but you would have never realized this unless you took the first step. I also learned that you have to allow change that's where letting go comes in because there is a higher power with you who is also walking that path with you.
I feel like have or will read any book on the manifestation of your dreams. Now it's time to put all the lessons and skills I have learned to the test. After you reading and reading and reading you start to see that they are all in some way or the other saying the same thing. I will discuss what I have learned in my blog as I come across the need to along my journey.
I choose to blog because I want to document my journey so when I do get where I will like to be. I can look back at the journey that made me into the person I became. I believe "The Journey of a million steps begin with one step". If you never give up no matter what challenges you face you will eventually get to your destination or may even change paths to a road that you feel is more joyful but you would have never realized this unless you took the first step. I also learned that you have to allow change that's where letting go comes in because there is a higher power with you who is also walking that path with you.
Letting Go!!!!!!!!!!
The Most Important Thing I Have Learned: To Let Go (Surrender)
When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be” ` Lao Tzu
When things go wrong this may seem like the hardest thing to do. But this is the foundation to manifesting anything into your life. You must let go or better yet surrender. To do this just accept what's going on in your life. Please understand that acceptance doesn't mean giving up or just playing die. Instead when you surrender you allow yourself to the see the situation more clearly so you can take the appropriate steps to change the situation. Or you may even realize that you do not need to change anything because there is a lesson to be learn from this situation which will actually enhance your life.
When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be” ` Lao Tzu
When things go wrong this may seem like the hardest thing to do. But this is the foundation to manifesting anything into your life. You must let go or better yet surrender. To do this just accept what's going on in your life. Please understand that acceptance doesn't mean giving up or just playing die. Instead when you surrender you allow yourself to the see the situation more clearly so you can take the appropriate steps to change the situation. Or you may even realize that you do not need to change anything because there is a lesson to be learn from this situation which will actually enhance your life.
how to,
letting go,
release the past,
the secret
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