Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Journey To Fulfulling My Dreams.......So Why Blog?

Too often we are so preoccupied with the destination, we forget the journey.” `Unknown

I feel like have or will read any book on the manifestation of your dreams. Now it's time to put all the lessons and skills I have learned to the test. After you reading and reading and reading you start to see that they are all in some way or the other saying the same thing. I will discuss what I have learned in my blog as I come across the need to along my journey.

I choose to blog because I want to document my journey so when I do get where I will like to be. I can look back at the journey that made me into the person I became. I believe "The Journey of a million steps begin with one step". If you never give up no matter what challenges you face you will eventually get to your destination or may even change paths to a road that you feel is more joyful but you would have never realized this unless you took the first step. I also learned that you have to allow change that's where letting go comes in because there is a higher power with you who is also walking that path with you.

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